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International Symposium on Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance

Time:2024-07-02 08:31:23



25-27 October, 2024
Wuhan, P. R. China
(First Circular)

The polar regions are important components of the Earth System, and play critical roles in global change. Research on the interactions between the polar environments and global change involves natural science, as well as social science and humanities.

Wuhan University would like to invite you to attend the International Symposium on Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance, to be held in Wuhan, China, on 25-27 October, 2024. The symposium will focus on the latest achievements and development in the processes, mechanisms, and multi-sphere interactions of polar environmental changes and public governance, promoting the participants to exchange their innovative thoughts on scientific and social issues related to the response and feedback of the polar regions to global climate change.

You are sincerely welcomed to participate in the symposium.


1. Topics

    1) Polar Surveying, mapping, remote sensing and geoinformation intelligent service

    2) Polar ice sheets and sea level changes

    3) Polar sea ice changes

    4) Polar ecological changes

    5) The cryosphere and global change

    6) Polar regions and humans

2. Committee

    1) Scientific Committee (SC)

        Steering Members (In alphabetical order):

        CHEN Dake        CHEN Danhong        CHEN Liqi           GUO Huadong        JIANG Xingwei

        LI Deren            LI Jiabiao                  LI Jiancheng       LIU Jingnan            LIU Shunlin

        PAN Delu           PAN Zengdi               QIN Weijia          SHEN Jun               SUN Bo

        SUN Heping       SUN Youhong            TONG Xiaohua   YANG Huigen         YANG Yuanxi

        ZHANG Zuxun


        HOLMÉN, Kim Johan    (Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway)

        KIM Yeadong              (National Committee on Polar Research, Korea)

        GONG Jianya              (Wuhan University, China)

    Vice Chairs:

        GONG Wei                 (Wuhan University, China)

        ANTOINE David         (Curtin University, Australia)

        SHUM C. K.               (Ohio State University, the United States)

    Members (In alphabetical order):

        FORSBERG Rene        HUGHES Nick        RACK Wolfgang

        SHOKR Mohammed     SPREEN Gunnar

        CHE Tao               CHENG Xiao        GAO Zhiguo             HE Jianfeng        HWANG Cheinway

        KANG Shichang     LAN Ke                 LEI Ruibo                 LI Fei                   LI Rongxing

        LI Xiaoming          LI Xin                  LIU Huirong              LIU Jiping            LONG Wei

        PANG Xiaoping      SU Jie                  WANG Hansheng    WANG Shijin       WANG Zhaomin

        WANG Zemin       WU Gang             XIAO Cunde            XIE Huan            YANG Bisheng

        YANG Jian            YAO Yibin            ZHANG  Liangpei    ZHOU Meng

    2) Local Organizing Committee (LOC)


        JIANG Weiping ZHANG Xiaohong

        Vice Chairs:

        PANG Xiaoping RUAN Jianping

        Secretaries General:

        AI Songtao ZHOU Chunxia

        Vice Secretaries:

        LIU Tingting YANG Yuande ZHANG Shengkai HAO Weifeng KE Hao KONG Jian

    3) Sponsors

        Wuhan University

    4) Organizers

        Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan University

        Laboratory of Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance (Wuhan University), Ministry of Education

        School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University

        State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (Wuhan University)

        Hubei Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Expedition AssociationInternational Symposium on Polar Environment Monitoring and Public Governance

    5) Supporting Units

        Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration, National Ministry of Natural Resources of China

        Polar Research Institute of China

3. Destination and Venue

    Venue: Wuhan University

    (No. 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, China)

4. Call for Abstracts

    Please send your abstract to

    Abstract Submission Due: 30 June, 2024

    Notification of Acceptance: Before 20 July, 2024

    Abstracts will be subject to a review process by scientific committee members before their acceptance as oral presentations.

5. Registration

    Please see the symposium website for registration.

    Registration fee:

    RMB 2000 (or USD 280) for regular attendees or RMB 1500 (or USD 210) for students

    RMB 1500 (or USD 210) for regular attendees or RMB 1000 (or USD 140) for students before 31 August, 2024

6. Outline Programme

    25 October, On-site registration

    26 October, Opening session and keynote presentations

    27 October, Oral presentations and posters

    For detailed programme, please refer to the symposium website in mid-October 2024.

7. Contact Information

    Address: No. 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, 430079, P. R. China

                  Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan University

    Tel/Fax: 86-27 68778030


    Dr. YAN Boya, Email:

    Mrs. HU Yan, Email:

    Mrs. HE Zhaoxi, Email:

Copyright © 2011-2015: Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan University

Address: 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China Zip Code: 430079 Tel:86-27 68778030, 68758001