
发布时间:2015-01-20 浏览:7985 次

1, 北极理事会下设北极污染物行动工作组(ACAP)会议通知

This is a short reminder that all delegates must register for the ACAP WG Meetingin Rovaniemi by clicking on this link http://www.cvent.com/d/nrq7jy/4W.All delegates must register before January 22, 2015, but we would appreciate your registration as soon as possible to facilitate with logistical arrangements.



2, 北极理事会下设北极动植物保护工作组(CAFF)有关“北极迁徙鸟类倡议(AMBI)迁徙路线工作计划”

The Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative (AMBI)-workplan--review

Memo on Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative (AMBI)
