刘婷婷 ( 教授 博士生导师 )



2011.7-今 武汉大学 中国南极测绘研究中心

2009.12-2011.7 香港中文大学 太空与地球信息科学研究所


2004.09-2009.07 武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室



2008.04-2009.03 日本 奈良女子大学


2000.09-2004.07 武汉大学 计算机学院


(1)Li Y., Liu T.*, Shokr M., Wang Z., and Zhang L. An Improved Single-Channel Polar Region Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm Using Landsat-8 Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(11):8557-8569.
(2)Wang J., Yuan Q., Shen H., Liu T.*, Li T., Yue L., Shi X., and Zhang L. Estimating snow depth by combining satellite data and ground-based observations over Alaska: A deep learning approach. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 585:124828.
(3)Shokr M., Wang Z., and Liu T.* Sea ice drift and arch evolution in the Robeson Channel using the daily coverage of Sentinel-1 SAR data for the 2016–2017 freezing season. The Cryosphere, 2020, 14: 3611–3627.
(4)Liu T., Wang M., Wang Z.*, Feng R.*, Zhou C., and Zhang L. Joint Total Variation With Nonnegative Constrained Least Square for Sea Ice Concentration Estimation in Low Concentration Areas of Antarctica. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021, 19(1-5).
(5)Zhong W., Yuan Q.*, Liu T.*, and Yue L. Freeze/Thaw Onset Detection Combining SMAP and ASCAT data over Alaska: a Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 605:127354.
(6)Zhang B., Wang Z., An J., Liu T* and Geng H. A 30-year monthly 5?km gridded surface elevation time series for the Greenland Ice Sheet from multiple satellite radar altimeters. Earth System Science Data, 2022, 14:973–989.
(7)刘婷婷, 杨子健, 王泽民. 利用风云3D微波成像仪数据估算北极海冰密集度的精度评价.武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2021, 46(12):1843–1851.
(8)Liu T., Wang Z., Shokr M., Lei R., and Zhang Z. An Assessment of Sea Ice Motion Products in the Robeson Channel Using Daily Sentinel-1 Images. Remote sensing, 2022, 14:329.
(9)刘婷婷, 丁锐, 艾松涛, 张保军, 王泽民. 基于REMA数据的东南极达尔克冰川表面塌陷事件研究. 遥感学报, 2022, 1-12, DOI: 10.11834/jrs.20221804.
(10)Liu T., Ding R., and Ai S. An improved intersection method for positioning and its application on Dalk Glacier, East Antarctica. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2023, 149(1): 05022004.
(12)Liu T, Li Y, Wang Z, et al. A new Spatially and Temporally Continuous Antarctic Ice-sheet Surface Temperature Retrieval Method from Passive Microwave Swath Data[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024.
(13)Xie Y, Liu T, Li N, et al. Changes in area fraction of sediment-laden sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during 2000 to 2021[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(9): 81-92.
(14)Li Y, Liu T*, Wang Z, et al. Arctic Sea Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval from FengYun-3A MERSI-I Data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2024, 16(23): 4599.
(15)Wu S, Liu T*, M Shork, et al.Sea ice classification in the Arctic transition zone using HaiYang-2B microwave scatterometer and radiometer data.(accept)